Grocery Store Herb Garden

It happens to me every year. Thanksgiving is around the corner, I am looking fresh herbs and the stores are fresh out! I headed for the local garden centers and home improvement store where the supply was sparse, sad, pricey and not organic. Back at the super market I found a produce guy stocking the live organic herbs and I grabbed one of everything! Took them home and unpacked them to discover large, healthy, organic plants. Twice the size of the potted ones for half the price.

My hope was that they would live until Christmas. To my surprise they are all doing great and here it is January. I did loose the oregano, not sure why. They have been living on the counter next to a south facing window in a self watering pot. This last item was a must if they were to survive my erratic travel schedule. But survive they did and thrive in fact! I used fresh basil on my Keto pizza last night. [That will be a future post}

My new hope is to be harvesting sage for a roast chicken on easter.

Tee Taylor